Facilitating connection within your XR Group

  On this page, we provide resources to help you get to know your affinity group or working group in a deeper way and build bonds of trust. 

- How to hold a [listening circle](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18hpXURhMm5ElEWVQcl4LYZ1ZCsz0k5uCDAIaNSNi1aM/edit): "A Circle is a wonderfully versatile held-space which allows us to communicate with others in a way that is non-hierarchical, equal, respectful and connecting... As part of Extinction Rebellion’s Regenerative Culture, a talking circle can offer a space for people involved to mutually support, share and process a multitude of thoughts & feelings that emerge through their relationship to climate emergency and associated actions."

- **Concentric circles** (introduced to XR Mass by Cathy Hoffman): This exercise can be adapted if there is a member with mobility difficulties, have their number be the "staying" group. Here is a [list](https://xrmass.org/wiki/working-groups/regenerative-culture/trust/concentric-circles/) of questions that can be used in concentric circles (by Cathy Hoffman)
    - Assemble in a circle.
    - Each person numbers off alternately, "1" and "2". 
    - "1" forms a pair with the "2" on their right 
    - The facilitator poses a question, like "Who has enabled you to be here today?"
    - Spend 30-90 seconds with "1" giving their answer to the question, and "2" listening
    - The facilitator rings a bell, or calls out to indicate that it is time to switch 
    - Spend 30-90 seconds with "2" giving their answer to the question, and "1" listens
    - The facilitator rings a bell or calls out, to indicate that it is time to move on
    - Thank your partner
    - Then all the "1"s get up, move to the right, and take the spot of the "1" on the other side of their partner
    - Repeat in a new pair

- **Move in/move out**: an exercise from Starhawk, introduced to XR Mass by Cathy Hoffman. If there is a member with mobility difficulties, you can also do another gesture of moving inwards to the center (e.g. putting out a hand) rather than stepping. This exercise was originally used to allow people to name invisible disabilities.
    - Assemble in a circle 
    - Anyone can "step into" the center of the circle, and say a short statement about something that is true for them, e.g. "I'm nervous about telling my family that I'm in XR."  
    - If that statement is true for anyone else in the circle, they may "step in" toward the center of the circle
    - Stay for a few seconds together in the middle of the circle, then everyone "steps out"
    - Repeat

- [Roles in a Social Change Ecosystem](https://xrmass.org/wiki/working-groups/regenerative-culture/trust/roles-in-social-change/): a guide for reflections on your group members' capacities and ways of contributing

- [Where your name comes from](https://www.trainingforchange.org/training_tools/where-your-name-comes-from/): simple sharing idea to notice diversity in the group

- [Continuums](https://rhizomenetwork.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/howto_spectrum.pdf). If there is a member with mobility difficulties, you can also label each end of the continuum with a color. In addition to moving, people can hold up a color card that indicates their place on the continuum between the two colors. Rather than the typical use of continuums in non-violence trainings, you could ask other questions. For instance, in terms of your organizing, where are you most situated?
    - Fighting ------ Building
    - Magic (spirit, prayer, ritual)  -------- Green New Deal (campaign, issue )
    - Firefighting --------- Pro-Active Strategy
    - Particular Local Fight ------- System Transformation
    - Experience with CD/direct action ----- new to CD

- **Celebration table:** ask everyone to bring an item that is special to them. They can place the item in the center of the table for the meeting and you can check out by having everyone share about their item, to whatever extent is comfortable for them. 

- More to come...