Some questions that affinity groups can use for [concentric circles]( Of course feel free to make up your own! These questions as well as the practice of concentric circles were gifts to XR Mass from Cathy Hoffman, who designed all of these questions.

## Openings 
- What was something you left behind to be here?
- Who is someone (/a movement) that has inspired you? Whose shoulders do you stand on?
- What is something that brings you joy?
- What is something that sustains you?

## Non-violent direct action 
- What is a social movement that you have felt inspired by, and why?
- What is essential to building a sustainable movement for change? What gets in the way?
- What is one obstacle for you to take a public stance or get involved?
- What is one fear you hold? How do you manifest courage in light of that fear?

## Vision and Values		
- What is something you want to dismantle? Something you want to create? (internal and/or external)
- In thinking about your vision and values for change, what practices or principles do you draw from for guidance?
- What is one belief you once held which you no longer do? What enabled the change?
- What is your connection to the power of non-violence? (personal or political) 	

## Earth and Environment
- How do you feel separate from the earth? How do you feel a connection?
- Where/how do you see the "sacred"?
- What is one way you feel indebted to the earth?
- Where do you see racism impacting the climate/climate justice work? 

## Personal and cultural
- How do you see yourself identity-wise, and why does it matter in being part of change?
- What’s one thing you are saying yes to, and one thing you are saying no to? 
- When was the last time you cried? 
- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?