plastic people

[Solidarity] We are all plastic people now film showing

Tuesday, Mar 19

First Parish Watertown in collaboration with Beyond Plastics Greater Boston and Oceana will host a free film screening of Rory Fielding's documentary "We're All Plastic People Now" on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 PM at First Parish Watertown, 35 Church Street, Watertown. Check out the film trailer. The film addresses the global plastic pollution crisis and features Oceana’s Plastics Campaign Director Christy Leavitt and Oceana board member Ted Danson. It also shows the chilling reality of how pervasive plastic pollution is in our lives. Plastic is everywhere from the air we breathe to the water we drink.

Solving the plastic pollution crisis requires that we curb single-use plastic production and cut off the problem at the source. Reuse and refill systems can move us away from throwaway plastics. The future can include less plastic if we turn off the tap and invest in non-toxic reuse together. The screening will be followed by light refreshments, and next steps advocating for plastic pollution legislation in Massachusetts. RSVP not mandatory but recommended.

