XR NVDA training

Friday, Sep 27

XR Mass is holding an NVDA training in Dewey Square before our Flood the Seaport action. XR requires NVDA training for anyone considering civil disobedience, as it is part of our action consensus.

Please arrive at noon. To find us, look for the XR banners when you arrive. The training will end around 3pm.

Everyone can participate and play a role in our 'Flood the Seaport' action, whether you have NVDA training or not. There will several portions of the action, including singing, street theatre and meditation -- many of which do not require NVDA training to participate in. Regardless of which parts of 'Flood the Seaport' that you are participating in, you are most welcome to come learn more about non-violent direct action!

Email action.care.xrmass@gmail.com with questions.

Remember to wear blue!


Dewey Square is part of the Greenway. They say they are committed to being accessible to everyone. The Greenway blends into the surrounding city and sits at-grade with adjoining streets and neighborhoods. Features throughout the park are easily accessed, including our fountains, lawns, benches and tables.

The training is outdoors. We do not currently have any particular accommodations planned. Please get in touch if you have accessibility concerns.