Heading For Extinction

Heading For Extinction
(and what to do about it)

Monday, Jul 22

The planet is in ecological crisis: we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event this planet has experienced. Scientists believe we may have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown. This is an emergency.

In this public talk, a speaker from Extinction Rebellion Massachusetts will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer solutions through the study of social movements.

In cooperation with Zen Center North Shore, join us for an Extinction Rebellion presentation, followed by discussion about how Engaged Buddhism can respond to this crisis.

Here is the regular schedule for Zen Center North Shore's Monday night activities:

  • 5pm-6pm -- meet at the farmer's market at the Beverly depot (look for group on blankets)
  • 6:10pm -- walk to zendo
  • 6:30pm -- zazen
  • 7-7:15pm -- tea
  • 7:15-8:30pm -- XR Talk followed by Buddhism discussion

Everyone is welcome and entry is free. Contact timelessway@protonmail.com if you have questions.

