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[Justice Solidarity] Defend Black Lives March

Saturday, Jun 20

Note time change

Juneteenth, celebrated on June nineteenth, is a day that honors Black freedom and Black resistance. This Juneteenth join the nationwide 6.19 Day of Action by attending this local event! We have three demands: defund the police, invest in Black communities, and for Donald Trump to resign.

Our march will start at Cambridge Common by Harvard Square and end at the Charles River near Kendall Square. We will go along Mass Ave., stop at City Hall, then move to the Cambridge Police Station.

This event is black-led.

If you would like to march with XR? people meet at the corner of Appian Way and Garden Street at 3:45.

RSVP for the event here: https://act.sixnineteen.com/event/action/53?source=map&akid=3.133217.0-aSYW


Sidewalk accessible