Climate Consumerist Catastrophe - Holiday Die-in

Friday, Dec 18

Let's set the scene:

  1. Carbon emissions are running rampant, ever-increasing every year

  2. Up to 200 species are dying every day

  3. In 2020, the arctic reached 100F for the first time

  4. Massachusetts is proposing carbon neutrality by 2050, on a similar abysmal track with our new President's national plan

  5. We are passing 300,000 people dead in the US due to the coronavirus

How is society coping? Holiday consumerism, of course! The prudential center is packed with people, blindly purchasing non-essential items. Americans are estimated to spend $400 Billion dollars this year on Christmas alone, lining the pockets of the 1% while we face historic unemployment rates and vulnerability in disadvantaged communities. We need a wake up call this holiday season.

So what do we do? A die-in! - Join us as we perform a die-in (or series of die-ins!) at the Prudential Center in the middle of all of the holiday shoppers to raise awareness to how our consumerism is killing us. Let's make a statement and provide an alternative perspective to the holiday consumerist fury.

What to bring

  1. A mask

  2. XR flags and signs

  3. flashy die-in elements


  1. Put the eco in economy

  2. Buy Nothing this holiday

  3. Consumerism is killing us

  4. Fast fashion is toxic


wheelchair accessible