
[Solidarity] EcoDharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis

Thursday, Feb 22

From organization's website: https://tockify.com/zencenter/detail/571/1708647300000

"Winter Class Series

January 11 - March 21

Thursday Evenings with ZCNS guiding teacher Joan Amaral and guest teachers

Tonight we welcome guest speaker Lilly Worthley for Part 2 of her offering, drawing on the Work That Reconnects, an interactive group process developed by Joanna Macy and many other colleagues over several decades.

Lilly is a climate resilience facilitator guiding organizations and individuals to transform climate despair into empowered action. As a climate action organizer with a background in environmental sciences and clean energy, Lilly understands the emotional toll of confronting the climate crisis in the face of business as usual. She now works to provide tools and resources for building hope, wisdom, and emotional resilience to support climate heroes in their work. Her workshops offer practical frameworks drawn from eco-philosophy, social movement organizing, and mental health practices to empower people to harness the power of their emotions and take courageous action for a just, life-sustainable future.

Session description:

Drawing on insights from eco-philosophers, climate justice organizers, and mental health professionals, we will explore frameworks and tools to help us harness the energy of our emotions to leave us feeling empowered instead of overwhelmed when confronting the climate crisis.

This class will be held both in-person, at the Mahasati Center (72 Grapevine Rd, Wenham), and on Zoom.

Schedule for Thursday nights (All times ET):

6:30pm Zazen

7:00pm Well-being chanting

7:15-8:30pm Class Series _

Email or call us to register. Open to all, but registration required.

Suggested donation: $20/class or $150 ($100/members) for the series. "


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