July 15, 2020, 530PM, Extinction Rebellion Boston at the Federal Reserve.jpg

Watertown Emergency Everywhere Kickoff

Thursday, Aug 20

XR is kicking off our new Watertown Emergency Everywhere campaign!

The town of Watertown has passed legislation to require solar panels in new construction. So why don't they tell the truth about the state of the crisis? Why in Jan 2019 did they say they needed an 'energy inventory' before they could start to work on a climate plan - but we are still waiting for one (https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/26388/2018-12-4--10-16-Economic-Development-and-Planning--Public-Works---Energy-Master-Plan).

We need to create pressure and show them that this is an urgent issue that cannot be delayed. Watertown will be one of ~7 towns in Massachusetts where we are planning direct actions in the Emergency Everywhere campaign. Each town will follow a sequence of ~4 actions that escalate if our demands are not met.

Come learn more about the Watertown campaign and plug in to helping us organize it. We need your help in: planning actions, establishing local partnerships, building art, holding support roles during actions, etc.

Run time 7:30 to 8:30 pm EST. Join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83693052148?pwd=U3lhaW81YlR1WWFlMW5KYmsvSnU5dz09

Campaign resources - https://xrmass.org/wiki/emergency-everywhere/

Love and rage y'all.

