
Decisions in XR Mass are made by individuals and groups with a particular mandate. Thus, we only use group-decision making when it’s necessary and not by default. Within this structure, XR encourages rebels to switch up roles once in a while to promote creativity and avoid burn-out.


When someone has a mandate, it means that they have the authority to make a decision/act, and at the same time it sets an expectation which others can have of them. People take on roles, which have particular mandates that they are accountable for completing. Examples:

  • “manage information flow within the team” (one mandate of the coordinator role)

  • “implement the XR Conflict Resilience procedures” (mandate of conflict mediator role)

Working groups

Working groups are a group of people defined by a few overarching mandates, typically with many sub-mandates filled by individuals. XR Mass’ current working groups can be found here.

You can also get directed to a working group by filling out our volunteer welcome form. (The form appears if you click the box next to "This is an emergency! I want to get involved with the rebellion!")

Affinity groups

Distinct from the working group structure, affinity groups are small groups of ~10 people undertaking non-violent direct action (NVDA) together. To join an Affinity Group please complete this interest form. It is expected that everyone in the Affinity Group will attend NVDA training.

Affinity groups are empowered to plan and execute their own actions, as long as:

The action working group also researches and prepares options for NVDA, which affinity groups can decide whether/how to be involved in via participation in spokescouncils.

Resources on Group Structure

These documents describe the self-organizing system that XR Mass is using. We are transitioning to this structure to help us grow and become more resilient, from a much more fluid organization that we used when we only had a few members.

  • (4 min video) Intro to affinity groups and working groups

  • (2 pages!) recommendations for structuring XR chapters

  • (8 min video!) More on working groups

  • Less-than-a-page introduction: collaborative document version of the overview given above, feel free to comment and add questions if you're confused!

  • Current developments in XR Mass structure. This document describes our transition process, where we were and where we're headed, in more detail.

  • Coming soon: Self-organizing systems trainings

More on decision-making

  • Kinds of decision-making that can be used within the self-organizing system from the XR UK Constitution.

  • Advice process: Decisions are made by mandate holders, but they must undergo an advice process. This page describes some of what can be involved in this.

  • Decision-making on filling roles from the XR UK Constitution. One option is the integrative election process from Holacracy.

  • Resource on the pros/cons of a few different kinds of decision-making -- this website does not cover all of the kinds of decision-making in the XR UK Constitution, but is meant to provide food-for-thought