This is the official source for news about Extinction Rebellion Boston. For media inquiries, please
contact the XR Boston Media Team


Extinction Rebellion Boston occupies Seaport Boulevard bridge in Earth Day action, demands ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure


Climate activists disrupt flights at Hanscom airfield to protest proposed expansion, and demand that Governor Healey oppose airfield expansion in Massachusetts.

Civil Disobedience Private Jets Hanscom Airfield Arrests

Local climate activist group takes part in international protest over biodiversity loss.

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Activists will continue to disrupt Healey's business as usual until she takes decisive action to ban New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Climatetech Civil Disobedience Governor Healey

Rainbow Rebellion, a queer-led group within Extinction Rebellion Boston, entered the lobbies of major banks around downtown Boston dressed in drag as gender-bending custodians and maids to "clean up" the banks' fossil fuel funding.

Queer Drag Rainbow Rebellion Banks