
[Solidarity] Celebration of Urban Farming at Eastie Farm

Monday, Jul 12

Join us for a joyful celebration of the Sumner site completion at Eastie farm. Eastie Farm is dedicated to pursuing climate justice, improving food access, and fostering community resilience through the development of interactive urban agricultural spaces.

The urban farming site at Sumner St was established in 2015 and is a critical foundation to provide access to their production of healthy, locally-grown, and culturally relevant foods to the East Boston community. We will reflect on the long way from establishment of 294 Sumner St to a thriving meeting hub in the neighborhood. Learn also about our new projects, e.g. plans for the first geothermal greenhouse in Massachusetts, which is a lighthouse project of carbon neutral food production.

We use the opportunity and inspiration to envision a livable future in East Boston. Now is the time to celebrate the sheer love, care and inventiveness of humans and inspire ourselves and others that a green and fair world is possible. Lets bedeck Eastie farm with messages and symbols of appreciation, hope, solidarity and just demands. We will celebrate with kite flying, windsocks, and art. This is a family-friendly community event. All are welcome.

Please sign up below to make sure we can plan accordingly and get possible last-minute information to you.


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